What can we do?

While traditional academic career paths remain valuable, the reality is that not all graduate students will pursue (or want to pursue) positions within academia. As the employment landscape continues evolving, we must equip our graduate students with the necessary tools and knowledge to thrive in diverse careers.

Many graduate students express interest in exploring career options but lack the resources and guidance to do so effectively. Our services address a significant gap in current support, meeting the demand for career exploration beyond academia.

Institutions proactively supporting graduate students in exploring diverse career paths gain a competitive advantage. By demonstrating a commitment to holistic student development and career preparedness, your institution can differentiate itself as one that values its graduates' long-term success and fulfillment. And let’s face it — happy alumni give back!


We design custom packages to meet your program needs.

Workshops for Graduate Students

We offer standalone and scaffolded workshops to help your students think creatively about their careers. Our goal is simple: help students make informed decisions about their own futures. We support students to explore their options without fear of judgment or failure—whether the path ahead is in or outside of academia. Our workshops are holistic in nature and emphasize both the practical and emotional challenges of developing a post-grad career plan.

  • Intro Workshop: Thinking Broadly About Career

    Nuts and Bolts of the Non-Academic Job Search

    Shifting Identities

    Finding Community

    Translating Academia

Workshops for Faculty

We are building a network of trained mentors who have successfully transitioned from PhD to career from various humanities and social sciences disciplines. We believe nothing can build confidence like receiving guidance and support from those who understand your struggles and concerns. The Mentor Matching Program is a good addition to a series of workshops, as mentors meet one-on-one with students between sessions. In addition to being able to field questions, mentors can also serve as important models of what is possible!

  • Faculty Workshop: Advising Students for Non-Academic STEM Careers

    Faculty Workshop: Advising Students for Non-Academic Humanities Careers

    Faculty Workshop: Advising Students for Non-Academic Social Science Careers

Mentor Matching Program

Academia is changing, and many graduates of PhD programs will not end up in a faculty job. However, faculty at research universities do not always know how to support their students in exploring the pathways to a career outside of academia. In this shifting market, we want to make the case for supporting graduate students through various career options. Our goal is to provide resources for graduate advisors to begin the conversation.

  • Our list of mentors is always growing! But some of the fields we are currently working with include:


    Chicano/a Studies

    Educational Psychology


    Experimental Psychology


    Film and Media Studies

    Public Policy

    Social Psychology

    Social Work

    Visual Studies


Are you a grad student interested in having us visit your campus?